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2020 Events
Visit our Facebook page to stay tuned for our virtual concerts!
January 4th - 7pm
Yasi and Beth Telford at Panther Vale and Mountain Freehold Yule Dance
Society for Creative Anachronism
Tracy Hall, Norwich, VT
February 15th - 12-2pm
Oliver and Louli at 38th Annual NOFA Conference
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
February 22nd - 1-3pm
Yasi at "Meet the Violin Family" Book Reading and Signing
Rabble Rouser, Montpelier, VT
February 22nd - 6:30-8:30pm
Yasi with Andrew and Ben Munkres, Kristin Bolton
Warren Contra Dance, Warren Town Hall, Warren, VT
February 29th - 8pm
Boston Pipers Club Concert with Torrin Ryan
Canadian American Club, Boston, MA
The Zeichner Trio
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